At Evolve Physical Therapy + Advanced Wellness we acknowledge the clinical significance of soft tissue rehabilitation in our comprehensive physical therapy approach to injury recovery, performance enhancement, and whole body health and fitness. Our licensed and highly educated practitioners utilize various clinical bodywork techniques to support and assist the individually designed physical therapy regimen.
Each session is specifically tailored to facilitate the loosening of the soft tissues (muscles, tendons, ligaments) and to release the tension on sensitive structures (nerves and blood vessels), which impairs the normal movement and causes pain. This allows for enhanced circulation, restored joint function and range of motion, improved postural alignment, and a reduction of muscular tension.
Appointment Availability and Investment: Monday 9:30 am - 3:30 pm Wednesday 9:30 am - 3:30 pm 60 minute session $120 Thursday 9:30 am - 3:30 pm 90 minute session $155
Deep Tissue: Slow-moving with deep pressure (relative to each client), this technique focuses on specific areas of the body in an attempt to break-up adhesions and scar tissue caused by chronic overuse, injury, surgery or impaired movement. The objective is to restore normal range of motion in the joints and to bring nutrients to the regions in order to rebalance the system.
Sports/Neuromuscular Therapy: Maintenance: Helps to repair fatigued and/or injured muscle tissue used during activity. It allows the body to maintain its ability to train and compete at optimum levels while reducing the chance of injury. Pre-event: Quick-paced massage using compression, joint range of motion, and rocking to enhance circulation and warm up the body to prepare for physical activity. Post-event: Reduce post event soreness by assisting the body's ability to circulate essential nutrients and oxygen to tissues, promote lymph drainage, and decrease inflammation.
Myo-Fascial Release: Fascia, which surrounds muscle fibers and attaches to all structures, plays an important role in the support and function of our bodies. Overuse, injury, and trauma can create myofascial restrictions. Gentle sustained pressure is applied to connective tissue to reduce these restrictions, eliminate pain and restore natural motion. Clients play an active role in movement during this kind of therapy.